Thursday, August 16, 2012

Meet Jack!

Well, there goes the Olympics, hopping into a bedazzled cab with the Spice Girls and a giant octopus.  That's how I want to leave every party from now on.

But as we say goodbye to the athletes, let's say hello to someone very special: Jack!

As in, the Union Jack monster I began at the start of the Games and completed on Sunday.  Isn't he precious and patriotic?

He was mostly done by the end of the first few days, body and appendages all complete.  It's those finishing touches, the eyes and the mouth, that had to be carefully considered.  Eventually I defaulted to Rebecca Danger's standard zigzag of felt, slathered in decoupage and weighted down until dry.  Of course, the only appropriate volume for such a task was the complete works of Shakespeare.

But the flurry of fiber crafting is never over.  I'm currently working on some epically colorful spoilage for the Favorite Color swap, but you won't be seeing any of that until my spoiler does...

1 comment:

  1. The Union Jack moster is too awesome! And now that you mention it, that's how I want to leave every party too!
    xo Jaime
