Friday, April 26, 2013

4KCBWDAY5: Just the facts, ma'am

Eskimi asked for something different today.  Well, since I'm a liberal arts student at heart that works in a company full of engineers, I thought I'd pay a little homage to their more technical tendencies and stick to today's vital statistics:

$3.19: price per gallon of gas this morning
10,266: pounds of food our group sorted in three hours at the food bank this morning
$126.12: total cost of renewing my passport
5%: additional discount for paying in cash at Hill Country Weavers warehouse sale
100: calories per serving in Taro frozen yogurt
2: more trips to frozen yogurt planned for this weekend
2209: messages in my work inbox
60: hours until I have to be back at my desk to deal with them
136: stitches left in this row
3: rows left after this row before bind off
4: days until this swap box must be shipped
4KCBWDAY5: the tag to in the search engine of your choice for more posts!


  1. Love this different way of blogging! 2209? good luck with that dear!

  2. haha I misread that as 22009 MASSAGES, which would be a totally different Monday.
