Monday, September 3, 2012

Love's Labor Day weekend lost

Ah, Labor Day.  At this point almost completely devoid of any political association to labor organizations or unions, the basic idea seems to be a day of rest to commemorate all the work we do the rest of the year.  If I'm to trust in the commercials, that rest should be gotten by holding neighborhood barbecues, shopping for all of the best limited-time-only deals, watching college football and counting down to NFL football.

Hmm, I think I did my Labor Day wrong.  Because here's a rundown of some of the things I've been up to the past three days:

Watching tennis.  I did see some college football, and I did of course make sure to keep track of the score in the Longhorns' game (hook 'em!), but mostly I was concerned with my dear Andy's winning Friday night and Sunday afternoon, as well as a few other matches.  I'm still annoyed that the Tennis Channel takes the night coverage on the first weekend, since I lack the multi-million channel package that requires that particular network to be available to me.

Drafting blog posts.  Because I love you.

Organizing my online recipe database.  A few months ago I decided that I would use a Gmail account to collect recipes online.  It was recommended to me because of the labels you can attach to messages, so I can e-mail myself a recipe and tag it as being 'Sweet', 'Cookie', 'Chocolate', and 'Caramel'.  Then when I decide that I simply must make something caramel, I can scan through my options easily.  Plus, I can reply to the thread to take notes when I try the recipe and rate how it went.  So now I'm going through all of my bookmarks and Instapaper clippings, composing e-mails and then agonizing over whether caramel, butterscotch, and toffee each deserve their own label.  Decision: they do.

Baking.  Because it's a three-day weekend, not an existential crisis, people.  I'm still me, and my co-workers still need tasty treats to survive the next work week.

Knitting.  See my previous statement about this not being an existential crisis.  There's always a cycle when I'm at my dad's house.  It starts with Friday night thinking that I might possibly finish my project before returning to my mom's house and 'Oh no, I might have to go an entire day without knitting to do!' panic taking hold.  It peters out, though, as I fill the weekend with a few other tasks and end up still not at cast off by the time I'm safely with my stash again.

Going out for froyo and a film.  The big adventure of the weekend.  Went to see 'Sleepwalk with Me', I'll have more thoughts on that, and of course a review of the frozen dairy treat, later this week.  On the subject of films, I also watched the restored version of 'Metropolis' last night.  Nothing like a 1927 silent German classic of cinema to give you that warm sense of self-righteousness in your cultural consumption.

Painting my nails.  I'm actually in the middle of this right now.  Right hand needs a top coat, then onto the left.  OPI's Steady As She Rose, in case anyone is wondering.

Whew!  Who says I haven't been laboring this weekend?

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